Sunday, March 13, 2011

03/13/2011 G8 教学内容与家庭作业

03/13/2011 教学内容与家庭作业 (This week's class content)

1、 学习第九课《世界奇迹金字塔》
2、AP Prep 写作- personal letter

本周家庭作业 (This week's homework)
1、Quiz on Lesson 8
2、Type and translate 第九课《美丽富饶的天山》
3、finish 12 work book A_9
personal letter, 3 free response- conversation, cultural presentation, and event plan (books).
Personal letter:
Imagine you received a letter from a Chinese pen pal, he mentions that he spends most of his spare time playing games. Write a reply in letter format, write about the video games that you have played or have heard about. Justify your opinions with specific reasons and examples.

Answere conversation questions:

1. 你们学校历史上有那些有名的校友,可以介绍一下吗?(alumni)

2. 你们学校是公立学校还是私立学校? 有些人说私立学校是位夫人见的,你的看法是什么?


4。你们学校的毕业生一般上那些大学? 为什么?

5。 如果你伤的是一个私立大学,你准备怎么解决学费的问题?


Cultural presentation:
Find a school calendar from a senior high school in china on the internet. In your presentation, describe the school's curriculum, including midterm and end of school exams. Describe how many terms the school has, when these begin and end, and when the school vacations are. Also, compare this school calendar with yours.

Event plan:

Your class plans to buy some books. You have the opportunity to plan a fair to buy these books. In your presentation, explain the purpose of the fair, what you will sell and why.

未来活动 (Future events)

3/20/2010 Quiz on Lesson 9 (on Page 85)
3/20/2010 学习第十课《灰尘的旅行》

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

03/6/2010 上课内容

(This week's class content)
1、 学习第九课《世界奇迹金字塔》

2. 学习补充材料: (Students' research- was NOT edited yet)
中国中学生的课活动 课外活动是指学生课外时间在老师的指导下,根据自己的兴趣、爱好、特长以及实际学要自行组织的各项活动,也曾为“第二课堂”。丰富多彩、形式多样的课外活动可以激发学生的主动性、创作型、充分发挥学生的特长,开拓学生的视野,是培养学生动手能力、观察能力、语言表达能力的有效途径。 课外活动是课堂学校的延伸和扩展,使学校教育不可缺小的重要部分。中国的中小学生都有各种形式的课外活动,又参观、听讲座、看电影、体育比赛、兴趣小组等。兴趣小组是课外活动的主要形式,它涉及体育、文艺、科技等各种个方面,如美术小组、摄影小组、书法小组、朗诵小组、棋类小组、航模小组、 科技活动小组、舞蹈队、音乐队、体操队、合唱团、军乐汤等等。学生可以跟随自己的兴趣、爱好选择参加感兴趣的小组。 除了上面说的这些课外活动外,一些学校还组织了与课堂教学内瓤密贴相关的课外活动:这些活动可以提高学生的感性认识,加生学生对书本知识的理解。比如,科学课讲水污染的情况,老师会让学生去观察自己周水质的状况,采集水样,用PH试纸侧量水质的酸咸污染度,然后让学生根基自己观察到的情况惊醒柜纳、终结。信息技术课、语文课、外语课、地理课、化学课、生物课、物理课等不同的课型都会组织一些类似的活动。 随着中国社会的发展,中学生的课外活动也不再局限在学校里,越来越多的中学生开始走出校门,走向社会,参加一些公益活动或志愿者组织。
1. cultural presentation Find a school calendar from a senior high school in china on the internet. In your presentation, describe the school's curriculum, including midterm and end of school exams. Describe how many terms the school has, when these begin and end, and when the school vacations are. Also, compare this school calendar with yours.
2. event plan Your class plans to buy some books. U have the opportunity to plan a fair to buy these books. In ur presentation, explain the purpose of the fair, what u will sell and why.

本周家庭作业 (This week's homework)
1、完成Book A-9:第九课作业

未来活动 (Future events)